EAF International Consulting: Revolutionizing Technology and Human Resources Across the Globe
Official Partner of EAF International Consulting
In the heart of Germany, a visionary named Ehab Abdel Fattah embarked on an ambitious journey,
fueled by a profound passion for innovation and a desire to pioneer groundbreaking technologies.
IQ Limits quickly established itself as a leader in the technology sector, acquiring several patents
for its innovative concepts. These patents formed the backbone of their approach, which was centered
on sustainability, energy efficiency, and improving the human experience.
Employment und HR
Abdel Fattah’s relentless drive and dedication to pioneering advancements propelled IQ Limits to the
forefront of the industry, garnering recognition and respect throughout Europe.
As IQ Limits continued to grow, Abdel Fattah saw an opportunity to expand their impact by merging
their technological prowess with the human resources sector.
This led to the creation of EAF International Consulting, a company that blended cutting-edge technology
with strategic human resources solutions.
EAF International Consulting was founded on the principle that the true potential of any organization
lies in its people, and by leveraging advanced technologies, they could unlock unprecedented
levels of efficiency and innovation within the workforce.
EAF International Consulting quickly became a trailblazer in the business sector, offering
unique services that integrated technology with human resources. Their approach was holistic,
focusing on sustainability, energy efficiency, and the well-being of employees. This unique
combination allowed them to attract a diverse clientele, ranging from small startups to large
multinational corporations, all seeking to enhance their human resources strategies through
innovative solutions.
Recognizing the need for a global presence, EAF International Consulting expanded its operations
to several key regions, establishing active companies in Jordan, Morocco, and Dubai.
These strategic locations allowed them to tap into diverse markets and bring their
innovative solutions to a wider audience.
True leaders treat every customer interaction as a precious and finite resource. We help companies refine sales and channel management approaches to better.
Advanced Analytics and Projectplans followed by adjusted Management are keys for successful businesses.
The most underestimated Part of every Project is the Marketing. It can envolve Founders and also everybody who is connected to the project.
One Major Keypoint which can causes huge Moneylosses if not taken care of in right way. Maintenance is the Key for a wealthy company.
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A waste-to-energy - or energy-from-waste - plant converts municipal and industrial solid waste into electricity and/or heat for industrial processing and for district heating systems – an ecologically sound, cost-effective means of energy recovery. The energy plant works by burning waste at high temperatures and using the heat to make steam. The steam then drives a turbine that creates electricity.
Waste-to-energy is a way to recover valuable resources
Waste-to-energy isn’t just a trash disposal method. It’s a way to recover valuable resources. Waste-to-energy is a vital part of a sustainable waste management chain and is fully complementary to recycling.
Today, it is possible to reuse 90 % of the metals contained in the bottom ash. And the remaining clinker can be reused as road material.
Valuable materials recovered from material flow are gaining increasing importance in terms of reusing or selling them. For each application we design the system that produces maximum economy. We endeavour to add value to your recycling and diposal processes. The proper products can be adapted to the growing demands of your business for higher performance and even heavier use of your recycling equipment.
There is always something to improve. Using new and proven Technology is the Key.
Recycling plants can be utilised for all applications to sort and convey slag, industrial, domestic and textile material flow and to recover valuable materials, as well as to produce refuse-derived fuel.
The Quality and Performance makes them hard to beat and the prices are better than most Companies think.
Our Network with Partners, Engineers and Universities provides us with possibility to do everything for your Customers.

- Wastewater Treatment and Management
- Wastewater Treatment Process
- Conventional Treatment.
- Primary and Secondary Treatment.
- Tertiary Treatment.
To make wastewater acceptable for reuse or for returning to the environment, the concentration of contaminants must be reduced to a nonharmful level, usually a standard prescribed by the Country. Furthermore, urban stormwaters flowing over lawns, rooftops, and paved surfaces are polluted by lawn chemicals, oil and gasoline spills on streets, plus other substances that become entrained in them as they make their way to a stream, river, or lake. These flows must also be subjected to some form of treatment to make them less harmful to the environment. Restoration of water quality is accomplished through the use of a variety of pollution control methods.
In urbanized areas, municipal wastewaters (mainly sewage) generally are conveyed to a point of treatment through sanitary sewers, whereas stormwaters are conveyed to their receiving bodies of water through storm drainage networks. In the past, cities sometimes used combined wastewater collection systems wherein a single sewerage network collected domestic wastewater, industrial wastes, and storm runoff water. But this configuration does not support the level of pollution control required today, and new systems of this type are no longer being built.
Sanitary sewers carry some level of flow during all hours of the day and night, whereas storm sewers flow mainly after periods of rainfall. During major storm events, the volumes of water carried by storm sewers are orders of magnitude greater than those carried by sanitary sewers. Wastewaters and stormwaters are subjected to treatment, but the types of treatment generally are quite different.
The features of wastewater treatment systems are determined by (1) the nature of the municipal and industrial wastes that are conveyed to them by sewers, and (2) the amount of treatment required to preserve and/or improve the quality of the receiving bodies of water. Discharges from treatment plants usually are disposed by dilution in rivers, lakes, or estuaries . They also may
Pumps are used to aerate wastewater in a treatment process unit. Aeration supports biological and other treatment processes.
Pumps are used to aerate wastewater in a treatment process unit. Aeration supports biological and other treatment processes.
be used for certain types of irrigation (such as golf courses), transported to lagoons where they are evaporated, or discharged through submarine (underwater) outfalls into the ocean. However, outflows from treatment works must meet effluent standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to avoid polluting the bodies of water that receive them.
The categories of wastewater treatment are primary, secondary, and tertiary, or advanced. The minimum level of treatment required is usually secondary treatment, but some cities and industries are required to install tertiary or advanced wastewater treatment processes for removal of pollutants that are resistant to conventional treatment.
Stream classification documents, published by each state as required by the U.S. Clean Water Act of 1977, categorize surface waters according to their most beneficial present or future use, such as for drinking-water supplies, body-contact recreation, and so on. These publications also incorporate stream standards that establish maximum allowable pollutant concentrations for a given stream under defined flow conditions. Effluent standards under the Clean Water Act's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) are used for regulatory purposes to achieve compliance with these stream standards. NPDES permits are issued to cities or other facilities that regulate the volume of discharge, contaminant concentrations, and timing of discharge so as to protect water quality in the receiving waterbody.
An aerial view depicts a typical wastewater treatment plant supporting primary and secondary treatment. Visible in this photograph are flocculation basins (rectangular), primary settling tanks (foreground), and secondary trickling filters (background).
An aerial view depicts a typical wastewater treatment plant supporting primary and secondary treatment. Visible in this photograph are flocculation basins (rectangular), primary settling tanks (foreground), and secondary trickling filters (background).
In the activated-sludge method, wastewater is fed continuously into an aerated tank where microorganisms break down the organics. The resulting microbial floc (activated sludge) is settled under quiescent (calm-water) conditions in a final clarifier and returned to an aeration tank. The plant effluent is clear supernatant from secondary settling.
Trickling filters and rotating biological contactors have media to support microbial films . These slime growths extract organic materials from wastewater as it trickles over the surfaces. Oxygen is supplied from air moving through voids (empty spaces) in the media. Excessive biological growth washes out and is collected in a secondary clarifier.
Sludge Processing and Disposal.
Primary sedimentation and secondary biological flocculation processes concentrate waste organics into a volume of sludge significantly less than the quantity of wastewater treated. But disposal of the accumulated waste sludge is a major economic factor in wastewater treatment. Methods for processing raw sludge include anaerobic (biological) digestion and mechanical dewatering by either belt-filter pressing or centrifugation. Conventional methods of disposal are application as a fertilizer or soil conditioner on agricultural land, landfilling in a dedicated disposal site, or codisposal with municipal solid waste.
Stormwater Treatment and Management
Stormwater treatment includes (1) storage in retention ponds where evaporation and seepage take place, and (2) diversion to natural or artificial wetlands , where pollutants are removed by vegetation and sedimentation and water is returned to the atmosphere by evapotranspiration. These methods take advantage of the ability of natural filtration and biological processes to aid in restoring water quality. Under certain circumstances, chemicals may also be introduced as treatment aids.
As noted above, the principal method used for stormwater treatment is storage wherein natural processes of sedimentation, evaporation, and nutrient removal take place. Because of the large volumes of water generated by storms, it usually is not practical to divert these waters to treatment plants such as those used to process municipal and industrial wastewaters. However, a number of devices can be inserted into stormwater systems to achieve various levels of removal of solids and other constitutents. These devices employ features of some of the components of wastewater treatment plants described previously.

According to estimates by the International Energy Agency, the world’s oil and gas reserves will decline by 40-60% in the next twenty years. Though there are still enormous gas reserves in the earth’s crust, extraction is becoming an extreme technical challenge. Our coal reserves will continue to last for a long time, but the use of this energy source results in high CO2 emissions, making this fossil fuel one of the major contributors to the greenhouse effect. Environmentalists argue that storing CO2 in sinks is not a sustainable solution, and should therefore only be regarded as a temporary measure. Uranium reserves are still plentiful. However, while this energy source does not lead to CO2 emissions, it is controversial because of the risks posed by radiation and long-term storage of radioactive waste.
Climate change
Emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is causing global warming, which in turn is leading to climate change and a rise in sea level. These developments are adversely affecting biodiversity, precipitation patterns, fresh water supply, agriculture and food supply, and the safety of those living in low-lying coastal areas. NASA has made a short film highlighting the effects of climate change on plant growth. In its 2007 report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) states that human activity is probably responsible for most of the global warming that has occurred in the past 50 years.
CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas. The use of fossil fuels – oil, gas and coal – makes a substantial contribution to CO2 emissions. This is why we need energy sources that will not lead to a further increase in the amount of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere, such as wind, hydropower, geothermal energy and above all: the sun.
Valuable materials recovered from material flow are gaining increasing importance in terms of reusing or selling them. For each application we design the system that produces maximum economy. We endeavour to add value to your recycling and diposal processes. The proper products can be adapted to the growing demands of your business for higher performance and even heavier use of your recycling equipment.
There is always something to improve. Using new and proven Technology is the Key.
Recycling plants can be utilised for all applications to sort and convey slag, industrial, domestic and textile material flow and to recover valuable materials, as well as to produce refuse-derived fuel.
One of the first renewable sources of energy is sunlight. It is the reason why life on the planet Earth has flourished and is the one truly renewable source of energy. About 70% of sunlight gets reflected back into the space and we have only 30% of sunlight to meet up our energy demands.
Solar energy has become quite practical to use and many applications have created for it. First of these is solar heaters. Whether it is industrial grade water heating or simple heating to cook food, solar energy can be utilized quite easily. With the development of solar panels and photovoltaic cells, it can also be used to create and store energy as needed.
Solar powered homes, cars and appliances are becoming common these days, as are solar farms that provide electricity to areas that are not on the grid. Solar energy can also be used for drying clothes, by plants in the process of photosynthesis and humans to keep their body warm during winter seasons.
2. Wind Energy
Windmills have been used by many for a long time. The initial use was to move machines that would grind wheat into flour. Taking inspiration from this age-old technique, scientists were able to create windmills that would spin at higher speeds. Windmill farms have been erected in areas where the speeds are high enough to produce viable amounts of energy.
The blades of the windmill are attached to a turbine, that turns the kinetic energy (energy of movement) into electricity. Countries that have an abundance of empty land and high wind speeds have been able to utilize such renewable sources of energy to fill in the gap between demand and supply from traditional means of energy.
Most of the wind turbines are erected at high altitudes as the speed of wind is more than at low altitudes which helps to generate large amount of electricity. It does not cause any pollution, is completely renewable and reduces our alliance on foreign countries for supply of oil and gas.
3. HydroElectric Energy
There is a large amount of kinetic energy stored in water. It is available for use when the rivers and streams flow towards the oceans, and the potential becomes greater when they turn into waterfalls. Hydroelectric energy is becoming a common source of electricity production in the 21st century.
Most dams that are being built have infrastructure that allows them to capture the energy from the water. The kinetic energy of moving water is then used by hydropower plants to give mechanical energy to turbines which in turn convert it to electrical energy through generators.
It is also seen as a simple and effective way to power regions that are not easily accessible by the regular power grid or simply face a lack of electricity far too often. Being a clean, cheap and renewable source of energy, a lot of research is being put into efficient utilization of the water resources we have available on the planet. Hydropower is renewable, environment friendly and produces no toxic gases.
4. Geothermal Energy
Within the Earth, there is a great deal of energy trapped inside molten magma. All of this heat transfers itself to the deep stores of water and air that flow through the Earth. In order to release the heat and regulate the temperature of the core, the heated water and air are released through vents, which are seen as holes in the crust of the Earth. They form another of the renewable sources of energy, known as Geothermal energy. The vents of heated air and steam are used to generate power which is yet another renewable source of energy.
Geothermal energy is completely renewable, reduces dependence on fossil fuels, provides job benefits and significant cost saving. The downside is that it is suitable for particular region which are normally prone to earthquakes and volcanoes, and may release some harmful gases.
5. Biomass Energy
Finally, we have biofuels and biogas as renewable source of energy. These are obtained from plants, plant waste and crops,landfills, municipal and industrial waste, trees and agricultural waste making them ‘biological’ in nature. Biogas has been produced in natural circumstances for thousands of years. It is now that we have been able to produce it in controlled conditions and compress it to make Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).
It can be used for transportation, power generation and heating homes. Biomass energy does not produce any greenhouse gases, helps to reduce landfills, renewable as long as plants, crops and waste exist. In the same way, biofuels are basically Ethanol, which are made when sugar is fermented. It is an alcohol substance and like CNG, it has found application in the transportation sector by way of being cleaner fuels. It is normally blended with gasoline as a form of car fuel.
6. Ocean Energy
Ocean energy has vast potential as 70% of the earth is covered with water. The tides that hit sea shore have enormous potential in them and can be used to convert to electrical energy. Ocean energy can be captured via 3 ways (a) Wave Energy, (b) Tidal Energy, (c) OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion).
Wave energy is captured directly from the surface of the waves which are nothing but regular disturbances produced on the surface of water. Tidal energy captures kinetic energy from incoming and outgoing tides and tidal energy generator uses that kinetic energy and convert it to electrical energy. OTEC uses the heat stored in sea water to convert to electricity. Both these energy sources are completely renewable and can go a long way in reducing our dependence on non-renewable sources.
7. Hydrogen Energy
Hydrogen is the most common element available on earth as it is available with water and can be a tremendous renewable source of energy to power ships, rockets, marines, vehicles, homes and industries. Water(H2O) contains two thirds of hydrogen but is usually found in combination with other elements.CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas. The use of fossil fuels – oil, gas and coal – makes a substantial contribution to CO2 emissions. This is why we need energy sources that will not lead to a further increase in the amount of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere, such as wind, hydropower, geothermal energy and above all: the sun.
The Quality and Performance makes them hard to beat and the prices are better than most Companies think.
Our Network with Partners, Engineers and Universities provides us with possibility to do everything for your Customers.
Energy Storage is already the Key Point to look at. We are in close connection with Engineers, Universities and Companies with new but solid soloutions to keep the power that is laying down right in front of us.

Having an invation doesn't mean necessarily that it's used, sold or even prototyped.
The best invention in the world isn't worth anything if its not used or produced.
In the Process from the idea to a finished product there are so many sticking points which make a lot of great people and inventors to struggle.
We help through the process all along the way from an idea to a product.
This includes everything from financing to inventors own laboratory.
- Is the invention protectable?
- Where is it protected?
- Who has rights on the invention?
- Does the invention work?
- What is the target market for the invention?
- What is it worth?
- What does the inventor expect?
There have been cases but most investors or customers need a proof that the invention is working.
It is also neccessary for the inventor because sometimes things look different on paper then in real life.
How will the prototyp be financed to bring it to a market-ready product and is a laboratory needed and who will finance this.
So they are looking for investors or funder. But they want a lot of money and demanding a prototyp.
But to make a prototyp again there is money needed. Some inventions need even the most money for the prototyp. The market-ready product is just too close to the prototyp.
Furthermore is there a Presentation and Marketingplan needed with potential customers and so on ...
I think we can say most inventors just struggle at this point the most because they just don't know how to get all this togehter.
It was a pleasure to meet you guys finally.
I am looking forward for the next years since we finally finished the planning and now start building.
Rome wasn't build in a day!
Big thanks to you Guys. I would never made without you. There were so much i didn't know and you gave me the oppertunity to concentrate on my inventions instead of all the other stuff which i simply didn't want to do.
Thanks and good luck, cya at the Exhibition ;)